Due to the closure of ANA Vietnam Ticketing Counters in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, currently we’re asking our valued customers to contact us through the following channels:
Phone number: 190-023-2442 (Domestic phone charges in Vietnam applies)
Calls cannot be made to this number from outside of Vietnam.
When your call does not connect to the number above, please call the number +81-3-6327-8736 (International phone charges to Japan applies)
Phone Number : +84 (24) 3926 2808
Email : han.reservation@ana.co.jp
Business Hours : 8:30 - 17:30 (Weekday only, Sat/Sun/National holidays - Closed)
Applicable language: Vietnamese
Phone Number : +84 (28) 3821 9612
Email : nh.sgn@transviet.com
Business Hours : 8:30 - 17:30 (Weekday only, Sat/Sun/National holidays - Closed)
Applicable language: Vietnamese
Thank you for your continuous support to us always!
December 31, 2023
All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.