The Group's Concerted Initiative toward Customer Safety and Peace of Mind
The ANA Group provides training to all executive and non-executive employees on how to evacuate an aircraft in the event of an emergency.
As part of this training, employees get inside a full-sized mock-up of an aircraft and learn how to evacuate via an escape slide, how to assist customers, the correct way to use a life vest, and much more. Employees then come away from this training feeling mentally prepared for an evacuation and with the knowledge required for such an event.

Training Content
The emergency evacuation training is delivered by cabin attendants and starts with a seminar and a practical session using the aircraft mock-up. During the training, the participants learn exactly how to handle an evacuation from the three standpoints of keeping themselves safe, helping others, and assisting cabin attendants.
After the practical session, the cabin attendants confirm the participants' level of understanding and make sure they have understood the training correctly.
The trainees also have a discussion with each other in order to reflect on the actions they usually take as ANA Group employees and improve their safety awareness.
The seminar provides trainees with the basic knowledge they need to handle an emergency.
The seminar is delivered in such a way that each participant accurately understands both its contents and meaning. It involves a range of activities that are designed to prepare the participants for doing their very best to help save customers lives and assist cabin attendants when faced with an irregular situation. For example, participants are shown examples of actual evacuations inside and outside Japan using the escape slide so that they can imagine what they would do under such circumstances.

Putting on a Life Vest
The participants learn how to put on a life vest properly and how to help customers and those with infants put their life vests on.

Handling Dangerous Behavior
Evacuating the aircraft with baggage and taking photos of the evacuation while inside or outside the aircraft are classed as dangerous behavior. This is because both of these actions will slow down your own evacuation and hinder that of other customers.
The participants are taught exactly how to verbally approach customers, based on their behavior inside or outside the aircraft, while facing a tense situation.

Assisting and Guiding Customers in an Evacuation: Part 1
For this part of the practical, the participants are taught to check the aisles leading to the emergency exits and hold back any passengers trying to push their way forward while the cabin attendants are opening the doors.
They are also taught how to actually open an emergency exit and how to assist customers safely and swiftly.

Assisting and Guiding Customers in an Evacuation: Part 2
For this part of the practical, the participants practice sliding down from an aircraft via the escape slide after landing. They learn how to slide down safely for a smooth evacuation and how to help customers stand to their feet after coming down the slide. In addition to this, they learn how to instruct passengers to move away from the aircraft swiftly.

Message from the Senior Vice President

Senior Vice President and General Manager of Corporate Safety and the Safety Promotion Center
Toshihiro Miyamae
When encountering an unlikely event of an evacuation, anyone working for the ANA Group will help the crew members to the best of his/her ability to ensure a smooth and safe evacuation for our passengers.
Based on this recognition, all ANA Group executives and employees, including those in departments not involved in aircraft operations, participate in emergency evacuation training. In this training, they learn emergency procedures such as assisting passengers with special needs, evacuation instructions, etc., from the perspectives of self-help, mutual-help, and crew help.
Through this training, we also help our trainees develop self-awareness, responsibility and determination as a member of the airline group in their daily operation.