Review of the ANA Group's Human Rights Activities
Advice from the experts
Since 2016, the ANA Group has been organizing annual dialogue with international human rights experts to listen to their views on the ANA Group's activities for ensuring respect for human rights.
In 2023, we held dialogues with a total of two human rights experts from 2 overseas organizations (UNDP*1 and WBA*1), as well as ESG-related investors and experts from 6 overseas organizations.
- *1.UNDP:United Nations Development Programme. The United Nations' lead development support agency, which promotes the eradication of poverty, the reduction of inequality, and sustainable development.
- *2.WBA (World Benchmarking Alliance):Launched by the United Nations Foundation, the British insurance company Aviva, and the Index Initiative, WBA develops benchmarks to rank companies on their contribution to achieving a more sustainable world.