Responsible Dialogue with Stakeholders
Major Activities in FY2024
Dialogue with Experts on AI and Human rights
Theme: About AI utilization and governance based on AI and Human rights
Dialogue with external experts on AI and Human rights
Date and Time: May 29,2024,15:00-17:00
- Daniel Neale, Responsible Investment-Social Themes Lead- at Church of Commissioners for England
- Rishi Sher Singh, Caux Round Table Japan (adviser)
General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)
Chikako Miyata (Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Major Activities in FY2023
Dialogue with Experts on the Environment
Theme: The latest global trends related to the environment and the ANA Group's environmental initiatives
Dialogue with external experts on the Environment
Date and Time: March 22, 2024, 16:30-18:00
- Yukari Takamuma
(Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo)
Chikako Miyata (Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Dialogue with external experts on biodiversity
Theme: Relationship between the air transportation business and biodiversity
Dialogue with external experts on biodiversity
Schedule: February 27, 2024
- Yasushi Hibi (Consulting Partner, ERM Japan Inc.)
- Shiori Saeki (Consulting Associate, ERM Japan Inc.)
Chikako Miyata (Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Dialogue with ESG rating agencies
Theme: Progress of ESG Management in the ANA Group
Dialogue with Overseas ESG rating agencies
Schedule: November - December 2023
Antonia Sariyska ,UBS CIO Sustainable Investing Analysit, Executive Director
Mineko Ikehashi, Senior Client Advisor, Executive Director - Church Commissioners for England
Daniel Neale, Responsible Investment-Social Themes Lead- at Church of Commissioners for England
Angus Sargent - EIRIS Foundation
Peter Webster, CEO of EIRIS Foundation - Amundi Asset Management
Patrick Haustant, ESG Analyst - HSBC
Sachi Suzuki, HSBC, Investment Stewardship - Federated Hermes
Haonan Wu, Manager - Engagement - Federated Hermes Limited.
General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)
Chikako Miyata (Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability)
Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with overseas stakeholders
Theme: Progress of Initiatives Relating to the ANA Group's Business and Human Rights
Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with overseas stakeholders
Schedule: October 19, 2023
Sean Christopher Lees, Bangkok Regional Hub Business and Human Rights Specialist - World Benchmarking Alliance
Jill van de Wall, Research Analyst
General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)
Chikako Miyata (Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Major Activities in FY2022
Dialogue with ESG rating agencies
Theme: Progress of ESG Management in the ANA Group
Dialogue with Overseas ESG rating agencies
Schedule: November - December 2022
Phil Bloomer, Executive Director - World Benchmarking Alliance
Namit Agarwal, Social Transformation Lead
Talya Swissa, Engagement Manager
Sofia del Valle, Engagement Manager Social Transformation - UBS
Antonia Sariyska, Global Wealth management CIO Sustainable Investing Analyst, Director
Eileen Tian, Global Wealth Management APAC CH Desk North Asia GTP
Makiko Tanaka, Global Wealth Management APAC CH Desk North Asia Client Advisor, Associate Directo - Church Commissioners for England
Dan Neale, Responsible Investment Social Themes Lead
Olga Hancock, Deputy Head of Responsible Investment
Isobel Mitchell - Federated Hermes
Haonan Wu, Engagement, EOS at Federated Hermes
Shoa Hirosato, Engagement EOS at Federated Hermes - EIRIS Foundation
Peter Webster, CEO
General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)
Chikako Miyata (Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability)
Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with overseas stakeholders
Theme: Progress of Initiatives Relating to the ANA Group's Business and Human Rights
Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with overseas stakeholders
Schedule: October 17, 2022, 16:00-17:40
Stakeholders participated online:
- World Benchmarking Alliance
Sofía del Valle, Engagement Manager, Social Transformation
Talya Swissa, Research Project Manager - UNDP
Sean Christopher Lees, Bangkok Regional Hub Business and Human Rights Specialist
General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)
Chikako Miyata (Executive Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Major Activities in FY2021
Dialogue with Experts on the Environment
Theme: Progress of Initiatives for the ANA Group's Environmental Targets
Dialogue with Experts on the Environment
Date and Time: December 22, 2021, 13:30-15:30
Naoyuki Yamagishi (Director, Climate & Energy and Oceans & Fisheries,WWF Japan)
Yasushi Hibi (Vice President, Conservation International)
General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)
Mizuki Ode
Naoto Takada (Member of the Board of Directors, Executive Vice President)
Chikako Miyata (Senior Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Dialogue with ESG Investors
Theme: Progress of ESG Management in the ANA Group
Dialogue with Overseas ESG Investors
Date and Time: December 7, 2021, 18:00-19:30
Experts participated online:
World Benchmarking Alliance
Camille Le Pors (World Benchmarking Alliance / Lead Corporate Human Rights Benchmark)
Charlotte Hugman (Research Analyst on the Climate and Energy Transformation)
Date and Time: December 10, 2021, 17:30-18:30
Experts participated online:
Hermes EOS
Sachi Suzuki (Associate Director - Engagement)
General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)
Mizuki Ode
Naoto Takada (Member of the Board of Directors, Executive Vice President)
Chikako Miyata (Senior Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with overseas stakeholders
Theme: Progress of Initiatives Relating to the ANA Group's Business and Human Rights
Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with overseas stakeholders
Date and Time: October 19, 2021, 18:00-19:30
Stakeholders participated online:
Pauliina Murphy(World Benchmarking Alliance Engagement Director)
Neill Wilkins (Institute for Human Rights and Business)
Camille Le Pors(World Benchmarking Alliance / Lead Corporate Human Rights Benchmark)
General Coordination
Caux Round Table Japan
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director)
Hitoshi Morotomi
Yukiko Sato
Chikako Miyata (Senior Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Major Activities in FY2020
2nd Dialogue with Experts on the Environment
Theme:The ANA Group's Next Phase Environmental Plan
2nd Dialogue with Experts on the Environment
Date and Time: December 22, 2020, 14:00-16:00
Participating Experts:
Yosuke Ikehara (Climate and Energy Group Leader, Conservation Division, WWF Japan)
Yasushi Hibi (Representative Director, CI Japan and Vice President, Conservation International (CI))
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director, Caux Round Table Japan)
Yutaka Ito (Senior Executive Vice President)
Chiyako Miyata (Senior Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Dialogue With Overseas ESG Investors
Theme:Progress of ESG management in the ANA Group and Global Trends in ESG Investment
Dialogue with Overseas ESG Investors
Experts Participated:
Date: December 7, 2020
- EOS at Federated Hermes
Sachi Suzuki (Associate Director - Engagement)
Haonan Wu (Associate - Engagement)
Date: December 14, 2020
- World Benchmarking Alliance
Camille Le Pors (Lead, Corporate Human Rights Benchmark)
Charlotte Hugman (Research Analyst on the Climate and Energy Transformation)
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director, Caux Round Table Japan)
Yutaka Ito (Senior Executive Vice President)
Chikako Miyata (Senior Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with overseas stakeholders
Theme:"Business and Human Rights" initiatives
Dialogue on Business and Human Rights with overseas stakeholders
Date and Time: October 14, 2020, 16:00-17:30
Stakeholders participated online from overseas:
Pauliina Murphy (Engagement Director, World Benchmarking Alliance)
Neill Wilkins (Institute for Human Rights and Business)
Camille Le Pors (Lead, Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, World Benchmarking Alliance)
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director, Caux Round Table Japan)
Yutaka Ito (Senior Executive Vice President)
Chikako Miyata (Senior Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Dialogue with Experts on Environment
Theme: Global Environmental Trends
Dialogue with Experts on the Environment
Date and Time: September 23, 2020, 14:00-16:00
Participating Experts:
Yosuke Ikehara (Climale and Energy Group Leader, Conservation Divison, WWF Japan)
Yukihiro Misawa (Plastics Policy Manager, Seafood Markets Manager, Conservation Division, WWF Japan)
Ryoko Nishino (TRAFFIC Programme Officer, Wildlife Group, Conservation Division, WWF Japan)
Yasushi Hibi (Vice President, Conservation International)
Yuji Fujiwara (Country Manager, IATA Japan)
Yasuyoshi Kobayashi (Campaign Manager, IATA Japan)
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director, Caux Round Table Japan)
Yutaka Ito (Senior Executive Vice President)
Chikako Miyata (Senior Vice President, Director of Corporate Sustainability), and others
Dialogue with Experts on ESG
Theme:Expectations and concerns required of the ANA Group due to changes in consciousness after the spread of COVID-19
Date:June to July 2020
Implementation method: Questionnaire survey
Responding Experts
Camille Le Pors (Lead, Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, World Benchmarking Alliance)
Rishi Sher Singh (Specialist in Global Value Chains)
Puvan Selvanathan (Chair, Bluenumber Foundation and Former Member of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights)
Yasushi Hibi (Vice President, Conservation International)
TOBAI Sadayosi (Chief Executive Officer WWF Japan)
Masaru Arai (Chair, Japan Sustainable Investment Forum (JSIF))
Hiroshi Ishida (Executive Director, Caux Round Table Japan)
Major Activities in FY2019
Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
The 75th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:
Number of attendees 585 people / Voting rights exercise ratio 62.8%
IR large meetings / small meetings
(for institutional investors / analysts):
6 times
Dialogue with institutional investors / analysts:
225 times(in Japan: 127 times; overseas: 98 times)
Presentations for private investors*:
10 times / Total: 575 people (including IR fairs)
Aircraft maintenance center tours for private shareholders*:
10 times / Total: 614 people
- Suspended January-March 2020 due to COVID-19.
Communication with Our Employees
ANA Officer Town Meetings:
Number of meetings 949 times / Total: 12,612 people
Topic examples
- Commitment to safety
- SDGs
- Work-style reform, etc.
Dialogue with International Society
Participation in an international conference on the environment:
7 times (United States, Canada, Switzerland, Malaysia)
Dialogue with overseas ESG investors:
6 times (UK)
Dialogue with human rights organizations overseas:
2 times (Thailand)
Participation in international conferences on human rights:
5 times (United States, Switzerland, Thailand, Japan)
Dialogue with Business Partners
Exchange of opinions with companies involved in the manufacture of in-flight meals:
1 times (Thailand)
Dialogue with Communities
Participation in reconstruction activities, volunteer activities
(sponsored by ANA Holdings Corporate Sustainability):
Number of meetings 17 times / Total: 423 people
Participation in conferences for the revitalization of communities surrounding Narita Airport:
Number of meetings 62 times
Dialogue With Overseas ESG Investors
In July 2019, we exchanged views with ESG investors (Hermes EOS, etc.) in London about the latest status on ESG investments, responses required of corporations, and expectations for the ANA Group.

Comments on the ANA Group (Excerpt)
- We gained an understanding of the ideas and mechanisms for creating social and economic value simultaneously. While executing its corporate strategy, the ANA Group should continue activities as a leading company in setting ESG-related KGIs and KPIs.
- We hope the Group sets long-term goals and draws a future roadmap for a strategic story and the achievement thereof. We also expect the group to improve in terms of corporate governance.
- To build mutual trust, we would like to see more efforts in regular disclosure and opportunities for direct dialogue.
Engagement With Experts on the Environment
In June 2019, we exchanged opinions on the ANA Group's environmental initiatives with experts who commented on their expectations of the ANA Group.

Participating Experts
Yuji Fujiwara, Country Manager, IATA JAPAN
Yasuyoshi Kobayashi, Campaign Manager, IATA JAPAN
Sadayoshi Tobai, Conservation Director, WWF Japan
Yasushi Hibi, Vica President, CI Japan
Comments on the ANA Group (Excerpt)
- We would like to see information disclosure that depicts an overall story of efforts to reduce environmental impact.
- In addition to the introduction of fuel-efficient aircraft as a measure to control CO2 emissions, we also expect to see biofuels and emission credits used effectively in coordination with your business models.
- We hope that the ANA Group will step up efforts to prevent illegal trade in wildlife, engaging in stronger industry cooperation, passenger edification, and systems for reporting to customs, police, and other authorities.
Major Activities in FY2018
Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors
Toward improving shareholder value, we strive for timely, appropriate information disclosure and shareholder engagement.
The 74th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders:
Number of attendees: 1,972 people / Voting rights exercise ratio: 64.0%
IR large meetings / small meetings (for institutional investors / analysts):
6 times
Dialogue with institutional investors / analysts:
225 times (Japan: 123 times; overseas: 102 times)
Presentations for private investors:
16 times / Total: 2,543 people (including IR fairs)
Aircraft maintenance center tours for private shareholders:
12 times / 714 attendees total

Communication with Our Employees
Through direct dialogue between managers and employees, we are actively sharing management strategies and the intentions of managers and thereby deepening mutual understanding.
FY2019 ANA Group Corporate Strategy Action Plan:
(February 15 to March 20, 2019) 22 times/1,163 attendees total
Safety Caravan:
864 participants across 23 ANA Group workplaces

Dialogue with International Society
In regard to material issues in our Corporate Strategy, by actively conducting dialogue with industry groups as well as NGOs / NPOs, we are fostering understanding of the ANA Group's approaches and initiatives. In addition, we are working to rapidly identify changes in the environment and to reflect them on a global level in our business activities.
Participation in international conferences on the environment:
14 times (Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Singapore, Malaysia)
Overseas dialogue with human rights organizations:
1 time (Thailand)
Participation in international conferences on human rights:
8 times (Thailand, Switzerland, United States, Belgium, Japan)
Dialogue with Overseas ESG investors:
4 times (UK, Switzerland)

Dialogue with Business Partners
The ANA Group offers tours of hangars and facilities to help customers and business partners understand more about safety and security.
ANA aircraft hangar tours:
Approximately 59,000 people
ANA in-flight meal factory tours:
53 times/1,300people
ANA Group Safety Education Center (ASEC) Tours:
Visited by 10,485 ANA employees and others