On October 23, 2023, the "ANA Future Promise Prop", a special painted DHC-8-400 aircraft, started operation, and various measures are being implemented, including contributions to regional development, use of environmentally friendly in-flight service items and flight operations.
As part of these efforts, we introduced the ANA Future Promise-themed picture book as an option for toys distributed to passengers with children in the cabin.
The ANA Group promotes ESG management that considers "Environment," "Social," and "Governance" with the aim of realizing a sustainable society and enhancing corporate value.
In promoting ESG activities as more familiar to our customers, we have launched the slogan "ANA Future Promise" from 2021, and with the understanding and cooperation of our customers, we are developing activities related to the environment and local communities, aiming to achieve the SDGs.
We produced this picture book in the hope that it will encourage adults to think about the environment together with children, who will be major players in the next generation, and to take an interest in ANA's initiatives.
The title is "Totteoki no Sekai" (meaning,"The Amazing World"). The writer is Ms. Maki Kageyama.
The three frogs will see the " Totteoki no Sekai " for the first time! The green ANA Future Promise special painted aircraft will also make an appearance.
We asked Ms. Kageyama about the story of how the picture book was created and her thoughts on the work.
When I received the request from ANA, I was very surprised, as well as happy to have the opportunity to make use of the floral illustrations I had drawn. On the other hand, it is a very large theme, so I wondered how to develop it into a story.
Through discussions, I decided to express the beautiful nature from the frogs' point of view, changing the perspective from the ground to the sky, with the main focus is on the world of nature, full of flowers and trees, which I am familiar with drawing. I also tried to figure out how to make the green airplane appear.
Last year I climbed a mountain. I saw the hill behind my house from the top of the mountain and experienced that even a view I always see can completely change its impression from different perspectives.
Remembering this, I wanted to include the "Moment When Perspective Changes" in the story.
I have painted scenes in the forest where the frogs look up from below before, so it was not so difficult, but this was the first time for me to express a bird's-eye view of the mountains, city, and ocean from above, as if the frogs were riding on a bird.
I hope everyone will enjoy this "Moment When Perspective Changes" in the picture book.
Drawing airplanes was difficult because I did not understand the structure and balance of the aircraft, and since I grew up inland, I had a hard time depicting seaside scenes.
Also, since the painting is done in watercolor, the sky sometimes looks cloudy with pale tones. I was anxious until the very end to see how far I could express the vivid colors of the sky, but I was relieved to see it completed successfully.
I also playfully added hidden letters (ANA) in the picture. I drew this picture book while worrying about how much difficulty to make it because I wanted the children to enjoy it.
As a child, I used to read a lot of picture books and children's books. I became interested in picture books again when I started illustrating as an adult.
Even now, when I actually hold a picture book in my hands, I remember the feeling of those days when I used to love and look at them all the time. Some old picture books can be read today and not feel old. I believe it is a tool that can convey a universal message across generations.
I want them to experience many things, including the world of picture books. I feel that what I experience and absorb will one day support and help me somewhere. Nowadays, it is easy to obtain all kinds of information through the Internet, but there is a different and special value in seeing and experiencing things firsthand. I would be very happy if the picture book could help in this regard.
The ANA Group will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through various activities.