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Download your flight schedule to your calendar apps (International Flights)

You can easily add your reservation details to your calendar or time management application upon completing your reservation on the ANA website (PC Site) or from the reservation confirmation screen. Take advantage of this great feature.

Supported calendar/time management applications

  • Outlook
    Tested with the following versions: Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007

  • Google Calendar

  • Apple Calendar


  • Reservation details cannot be added via smartphones. Please use the ANA website (PC site).

  • This feature is not available for unreserved open tickets or for other air carriers' flights included in reservations booked through travel agents. It may not be possible to download the entire itinerary after changes to the flight schedule for some types of reservation status.

  • Your flight information will be displayed even if you are on the waitlist or waiting for a reply from other air carriers. Please be aware that this is not a confirmation of your seat.

  • For flights departing Japan whose arrival date at destination is prior to the departing date: the calendar will show departing time for both start and end times on the reservation information.

  • Changes to existing reservations or flight schedule information already added to your calendar will not update automatically. download your new reservation information from the "Review Reservation Details" screen.

  • *

    Please contact the provider of the calendar application for details/instructions on how to operate it and to choose settings.