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The ANA Group provides assistance to passengers with physical difficulties such as sickness, injury, or disability, as well as passengers requiring other assistance (expectant mothers, elderly passengers, passengers with young children, unaccompanied minors, and passengers traveling with pets) so that they can enjoy a safe and comfortable flight. If you need any assistance, please let us know via our dedicated desk.

Customers with disabilities

About Assistance

Service Equipment

Other Details

Download of Relevant Documents (PDF)

ANA's dedicated forms (PDF files) can be downloaded from the links below.
Please contact the ANA Disability Desk if you wish to receive any of these forms by email or fax.

  • *

    Please download the relevant form(s) to your PC. You will be able to directly enter the required information onto the PDF form after downloading it.

Frequently asked questions about customer with disability

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If you have any questions or concerns please contact the ANA Disability Desk.

Customers who require other assistance

Carrying your Individual Number Card as health insurance certificate when traveling

From December 2, 2024, health insurance card functions will be transferred to your Individual Number Card.
Carry your Individual Number Card with you when traveling within Japan and be prepared in case of an emergency at your destination.

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