Please select the card you wish to join
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No enrollment or annual fees
ANA Mileage Club Card
Earn more miles for your money
With credit function
ANA Card
For details about mileage accrual, please check each partner's information page before using their service.
In addition to credit card points, customers can earn 1 mile for every JPY 100 (or JPY 200) spent when using an ANA Card to make a credit card purchase at an ANA Card Miles Plus merchant.
Credit card points can be used to redeem miles.
Customers can earn miles when making purchases through ANA Mileage Mall.
Simply show your ANA Card or provide your 10-digit ANA Mileage Club membership number when using the service, or register in advance to earn miles.
ANA Mileage Club members who use cards with Edy functionality or OSAIFU-KEITAI® (digital wallet) devices can earn 1 mile for every JPY 200 spent.
In addition to the normal amount of mileage accruable with ANA Pay, customers can earn 1 mile for every JPY 100 (or JPY 200) spent when making a purchase at an ANA Pay Miles Plus merchant.
Only code payments are eligible for ANA Pay Miles Plus.
As of November 6, 2023, the ANA Pay Mile Plus service will be terminated.
berry eSIM is a service that allows you to keep your existing SIM card and use local data communications at a discounted rate.
Just scan the QR code received after you apply, and you can use the service in as little as one minute.
It eliminates the hassle of renting and returning portable WiFi at the airport or by post, and also eliminates the need to carry two devices.
In addition, there is no need to worry about replacing your SIM card or missing incoming calls, as is the case when purchasing a local SIM.
berry eSIM is available in more than 140 countries and regions, so there is no need to rent WiFi or purchase individual SIM cards for each country, as long as the service is available in all your target countries.
1 mile for every JPY 100 (including tax) spent on purchases
eSIM Purchase Prices
(Text is available in Japanese only.)
Please enter your 10-digit ANA Mileage Club membership number when making your purchase.
After the purchase, approximately 1-2 months will be required for the miles to be credited to the mileage balance.
Retroactive mileage registration is not permitted.
Please enter your 10-digit ANA Mileage Club membership number when making your purchase.
Mileage accrual may be subject to delay depending on the service application status.
Please retain all relevant information (order numbers, order confirmation emails, etc.) until after the mileage has been credited to your mileage account.
Retroactive mileage registration after payment completion is not permitted.
10:00 AM-18:00 on weekdays