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Reservations for ANA VALUE and ANA SUPER VALUE Available from a Maximum of 355 Days Before Departure!

Extended Reservation and Purchase Period

What Does

Before the change, for ANA VALUE and ANA SUPER VALUE, you were able to reserve and purchase tickets for the dates after the diagram schedule confirmation until your departure date,however after the change, you are now able to reserve and purchase tickets from before maximum 355 days until your departure date. Before the change, for ANA VALUE and ANA SUPER VALUE, you were able to reserve and purchase tickets for the dates after the diagram schedule confirmation until your departure date,however after the change, you are now able to reserve and purchase tickets from before maximum 355 days until your departure date.

What Does "Go on Sale on the Relevant Flight Schedule Issuance Date" Mean?

All fares go on sale on the issuance date of the relevant flight schedule, twice a year.

Summer schedule flights (from the last Sunday of March until the Saturday immediately before the last Sunday of October): To go on sale around late January
Winter schedule flights (from the last Sunday of October until the Saturday immediately before the last Sunday of March in the following year):To go on sale around late August

  • Departure/arrival times, flight numbers, aircraft types, aircraft, operating airlines, seat numbers, etc. are subject to change even after the flight schedule has been issued.

Reservation Start Dates

Fare Reservation Start Date
ANA VALUE, ANA SUPER VALUE Maximum 355 days prior to the departure date from 09:30 (JST)*1
ANA VALUE PREMIUM 3, ANA SUPER VALUE PREMIUM 28, ANA VALUE TRANSIT,  ANA VALUE TRANSIT 1/3/7, ANA SUPER VALUE TRANSIT 21/28/45/55/75, ANA Mileage Club Companion Fare, flight awards All fares go on sale on the issuance date of the relevant schedule (late August/late January)
  • * 1

    Customers purchasing tickets before the flight schedules are issued.

There is a possibility that, once the flight schedule has been issued, your reserved flight may be canceled or its departure/arrival time, flight number, aircraft type, aircraft, operating airline, and seat number may change.
If your reserved flight is canceled or changed to a different time, you can change to another ANA flight or request a refund.


Please check your reservation details once again after the flight schedule has been issued.


Flight Schedule Issuance Period
Summer flight schedule (flights from the last Sunday of March until the Saturday immediately before the last Sunday of October): Around late January
Winter flight schedule (flights from the last Sunday of October until the Saturday immediately before the last Sunday of March in the following year): Around late August

  • *
    • Departure/arrival times, flight numbers, aircraft types, aircraft, operating airlines, and seat numbers are subject to change even after the flight schedule has been issued.

Fare Conditions

  Reservation Change Sales Start Date Reservation Deadline Payment Deadline Refund
ANA VALUE Not possible 09:30 (JST) Maximum 355 days prior to departure 1/3/7 days prior to departure Within 3 days including the reservation date*1 Designated handling fees (refund and cancellation charges) apply*2
ANA SUPER VALUE 21/28/45/55/75 days prior to departure Within 2 days including the reservation date*3
  • * 1

    Some of these fares must be paid for by the reservation deadline or the payment deadline, whichever comes first.

  • * 2

    For "ANA SUPER VALUE", no cancellation charges will apply from the time of purchase up to 55 days prior to the departure date.

  • * 3

    Please note that fares may have different payment deadlines depending on the type and condition.

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