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ANA Mileage Club Card
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ANA Card
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requires all passengers departing for the U.S. to provide the following information. Please register it in your reservation information at least one day prior to departure or register it at the time of online check-in (from 24 hours prior to departure).
If there are any changes to the information after it has been provided, please notify us before your departure.
Accurate information is a request of the US Government and that criminal penalties may be imposed if accurate information is not provided.
Full name
Address while in the U.S. : number and street / city / state or territory / zip code
Phone number1 : Primary contact phone number to include country code and area code, at which passenger can be contacted while in the U.S.
Phone number2 : Secondary contact phone number to include country code and area code, at which may be an emergency contact number, a work number, or home number
E-mail : Email address that the passenger will routinely check while in the U.S.
Date of birth