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Mileage Accrual Conditions

Customers can receive free bonus miles when enrolling in or renewing an ANA Card!

Mileage Accrual Conditions by Eligible Card
Eligible Cards Enrollment Bonus Miles Renewal Bonus Miles
(When Renewing Card Enrollment Each Year
  • Standard ANA Cards
1,000 miles 1,000 miles
  • ANA Gold Cards
2,000 miles 2,000 miles
  • ANA Card Premium


10,000 miles 10,000 miles
  • *

    ANA JCB Card ZERO is not eligible for enrollment or renewal bonus miles.

  • *

    CTBC ANA JCB Platinum Card and CTBC ANA VISA Signature Card are not eligible for enrollment bonus miles.

  • *

    CTBC ANA JCB Platinum Card, CTBC ANA JCB Precious Card, CTBC ANA JCB Eternity Card, CTBC ANA VISA Signature Card and CTBC ANA VISA Infinite Card are not eligible for renewal bonus miles.

  • *

    ANA Corporate Cards (Standard, Wide, Wide Gold, and Diners) are also eligible. Customers will receive bonus miles which correspond to their type of card.

Customers will receive bonus miles which correspond to their type of card.

Services for ANA Premium Members

ANA Gold Cards Special Bonus

Frequent customers who have the following cards can receive an additional 2,000 miles on top of their regular renewal bonus miles during the period in which they have Diamond Service, Platinum Service, or Bronze Service status.

Eligible Cards

  • ANA Wide Gold Card (VISA, MasterCard, JCB)

  • ANA Diners Card

  • ANA American Express Gold Card

  • ANA Card Premium (VISA, JCB, Diners, American Express)

  • ANA Super Flyers Gold Card (VISA, MasterCard, JCB)

  • ANA Diners Super Flyers Card

  • ANA American Express Super Flyers Gold Card

  • ANA Super Flyers Card Premium (VISA, JCB, Diners, American Express)


  • *

    Only the primary cardholder is eligible (family card cardholders are not eligible).

  • *

    Enrollment bonus miles are only available for new ANA cardholders. Switching cards or changing the courses are not eligible. (However, if you switch to ANA Card Premium, Enrollment bonus miles are available for the cardholder.)

  • *

    Enrollment bonus miles for standard ANA Cards will be accrued by the end of the month after the enrollment month.

  • *

    Customers who pay the annual fee by the date designated by the credit card company are eligible to receive bonus renewal miles as well as enrollment bonus miles for ANA Wide Cards, ANA Wide Gold Card, ANA Diners Card, ANA American Express® Card, ANA American Express® Gold Card, and ANA Card Premium. (After the annual fee has been paid, miles will be accrued by the end of the following month.)

  • *

    CTBC ANA Precious Card enrollment bonus miles will be accrued on the day after the enrollment date.

  • *

    Bonus renewal miles for ANA JCB Card for Students, ANA VISA Card for Students and ANA MasterCard for Students are accrued at the end of April each year.